
Fashion should be fun.  Sweat for the body you want,  choose the heels you walk in, and laugh as often as possible.  Make a statement.  Don't be average.  Be awesome!  

Muscle It Up: CrossFit Workout 17.2

Muscle It Up: CrossFit Workout 17.2

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?  Is it over yet!! Seriously though.  17.2 proved to a grip strength bi*tch.  I wasn't expecting that.  Once again we saw the dumbbells and once again we all hated it.  Lol.  We pushed our way through tho.  Lots of people tried for their first Bar Muscle Up.  It was so amazing to see those that finally got it in the Open.  Congrats.  I had actually gotten my first Bar Muscle Up in last year's Open.  It was amazing and all I can say is keep trying!!  You'll get it.

Ok some things to think about.....the Tie Breaker.  We're told to break up our dumbbell cleans and maybe do 7, drop your dumbbells rest and pick them up do your 8th and start lunging.  Do this for the first set BUT not for the second.  That is your Tie Breaker.  I was so into the workout that when I heard my friend Anne scream, "Pick up the dumbbells" I was like why is she yelling at me?!! And then it clicked.  After your second Toes 2 Bar you end that round with dumbbell cleans.  Pick them up and do 8.  Drop them and then go into the 3rd round of lunges.  That is your Tie Breaker.  You want a decent time.

As far as the Bar Muscle Ups......go for it!


My advice for Bar Muscle Ups is to try to get your hips close to the bar.  My technique isn't great.  I get my body over the bar but it's not pretty.  My goal for next year is learn proper technique and not kill my shoulders.

Go steady on 17.2.  You'll have plenty of time to try for your Bar Muscle Up.  Don't forget to cheer your fellow athletes on.  Trust me it helps to hear the screams and support from your friends.  

Ripped Jeans & Coffee

Ripped Jeans & Coffee

CrossFit 17.2: Back To The Dumbbells

CrossFit 17.2: Back To The Dumbbells