You Are Strong: CrossFit Workout 17.1 Done
Done and done. I took Friday off as a rest day and thought to myself should I do it? Should I sign up for the Open? What was holding me back? I've been doing CrossFit for almost 5 years. I always get a little nervous even before a regular WOD. Even right before the buzzard goes off I want to run. But I suck it up and do it. Now the Open. Does the thought of the Open scare you? Does it terrify you? Yes. So I said to myself, "If it doesn't scare you, it won't change you."
There I was Saturday at 3pm at CrossFit Ballard in Seattle. The coaches were happy to see I was there. That I confronted my fears and was there to do the Open. And honestly so was I. Still nervous, still feeling unprepared, and still wondering can I get a 35lb dumbbell over my head without killing myself. Self doubt is brutal. It can break you down. It can make you question the simplest things in life. But remember the mind is stronger than anything. It's stronger than you.
17.1 wasn't only about strength and endurance, but it was a mind game. As you get thru the first round of 10, then 20, then 30 it hits you. Shit I have 40 snatches to go. It's a mind game. Keep telling yourself you can. Keep pushing. When 50 hits nope you are not delusional. You can do it. Keep yelling at yourself. That inside voice - shut it up. Tell it you can. TELL it you've got this. Tell it to go f*ck with someone else because you are going to finish!!
As many of you know 17.1 had a time cap. You had 20 minutes to finish the workout and that was a task in itself. But you gotta keep on working. You got to keep moving. And most importantly you have to shut down those voices. And that's what I did. The burpees won't kill you. They will make you stronger. And they did.
There I was. There was the finish line. I finished before the time cap. Did you doubt yourself? Yes. Did you shut out those voices? You're damn right I did.
Today I am sore. My back and hamstrings are like, WTF?!! But today I am stronger. Wether you finished under the time cap or somewhere in between be proud of yourself. Because today you are better than yesterday.